Forever young at heart
In loving memory of Ron Brown and Reese Faust, you are dearly missed
Dance With Me
a dementia-friendly dance program for elders in our community living with Dementia and Alzheimer’s, along with their care partners
The Ballroom of Reno is honored to host a program specially designed to aid in mental, physical, and emotional health of the elders in our community who face depression and isolation as they age. We celebrate the years, and the moments, that make each person so special, no matter their age.
Studies have repeatedly shown that there are incredible health benefits from combining learning a physical activity, with human touch and music. Partner dancing is the only activity that engages the brain in this way, and it actually can create new neuropathways, fighting the progression of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, or even in some cases, reversing it. With your support, we are changing the way we treat aging, and truly, it is just a number.
From the students-
“I have always said my husband has no rhythm. When my husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years ago, I could see the decline in his movements. We were asked to take dance class with others with Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
The class has really made a difference in his movements and he even wants to dance outside of class. While in class we totally forget about the disease. He is much more cuddly since starting classes.
I can not say enough about our Instructors. They show the class so much patience. They will compliment each and every member of the class. It doesn't make a difference to them how often they repeat a dance move. They are there to help.
Before the class begins, folks are kind of down, but the minute music starts they become different people, even if it is just for an hour.”
— Ron and Donna
“My wife Helen was a dancer for over 70 years. After being diagnosed with Dementia 15 years ago, she lost her ability to remember steps and rythmn. When ballroom dancing started for Dementia folks, it was a godsend. As Helen started her lessons she was very hesitant. But because of Desiree, [June] and the other staff, Helen has continually become more confident and is able to now process music/rhythm and dance steps. Because of ballroom dancing, Helen is starting to get her rhythm back and looks forward to dancing every Wednesday. Thank you all for what you are doing.”
-Mike Grimes
"“I can’t wait to come dancing!”
— Reece
Welcoming Students and Volunteers!
The classes are free to attend, and are designed to have multiple volunteer dance assistants to maintain a high level of safety and one-on-one interaction with every student. We intend to add more classes throughout the year, and as we grow, we will welcome more volunteers and of course, more students! This class is sponsored in part by partnerships with Dementia Friendly Nevada-Washoe County and our local Renown Regional Medical Center. We would love to partner with you to make a difference!